

This example provides the simplest option for using the package.

from mongotriggers import MongoTrigger
from pymongo import MongoClient

def notify_manager(op_document):
    print ('wake up! someone is adding me money')

client = MongoClient(host='localhost', port=27017)
triggers = MongoTrigger(client)

# listens to update/insert/delete, any of these will trigger the callback
triggers.register_op_trigger(notify_manager, 'my_account', 'my_transactions')

# make an operation to simulate interaction
client['my_account']['my_transactions'].insert_one({"balance": 1000})

Tail from certain point in time

This example provides explanations on how to start listening only from a certain point in time, usually this will be helpful when persistency is required.

from mongotriggers import MongoTrigger
from pymongo import MongoClient
from bson.timestamp import Timestamp
import time

def notify_manager(op_document):
    print ('wake up! someone is adding me money')

client = MongoClient(host='localhost', port=27017)

# do something in collection to verify it is not called
client['my_account']['my_transactions'].insert_one({"balance": 1000})
# long waiting time due to timestamp
now = Timestamp(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 0)
# will get notified only if event occurred after specified now
triggers = MongoTrigger(client, since=now)

triggers.register_op_trigger(notify_manager, 'my_account', 'my_transactions')

# write to collection to verify we receive the callback
client['my_account']['my_transactions'].insert_one({"balance": 1000})